Mark Kopua Indigenous Art: Tangaroa (Framed)
Indigenise your spaces with Indigenous Art by Mark Kopua
Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Ngāti Ira and Ngāti Porou
Tohunga Mātauranga Māori, Tohunga Whakapapa, Tohunga Moko, Tohunga Whakairo
Pūrākauologist & Co-Manukura of Te Kurahuna’ Mahi a Atua
About this print:
Ko Tangaroa tēnei.
Tangaroa te atua o ngā moana. Nāna ngā tamariki o te moana. Matua nui tēnei o Te Tini o Ponaturi. Tangaroa is calming and healing. Tangaroa blanketed Papatūānuku in the rage of Rūāumoko. From Tangaroa’ mātāmua, Ikatere, comes all the sea creatures, and depicted here in Tangaroa’ hands is Ururoa, the shark.
Indigenise your spaces with Indigenous Art by Mark Kopua
Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Ngāti Ira and Ngāti Porou
Tohunga Mātauranga Māori, Tohunga Whakapapa, Tohunga Moko, Tohunga Whakairo
Pūrākauologist & Co-Manukura of Te Kurahuna’ Mahi a Atua
About this print:
Ko Tangaroa tēnei.
Tangaroa te atua o ngā moana. Nāna ngā tamariki o te moana. Matua nui tēnei o Te Tini o Ponaturi. Tangaroa is calming and healing. Tangaroa blanketed Papatūānuku in the rage of Rūāumoko. From Tangaroa’ mātāmua, Ikatere, comes all the sea creatures, and depicted here in Tangaroa’ hands is Ururoa, the shark.
Indigenise your spaces with Indigenous Art by Mark Kopua
Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Ngāti Ira and Ngāti Porou
Tohunga Mātauranga Māori, Tohunga Whakapapa, Tohunga Moko, Tohunga Whakairo
Pūrākauologist & Co-Manukura of Te Kurahuna’ Mahi a Atua
About this print:
Ko Tangaroa tēnei.
Tangaroa te atua o ngā moana. Nāna ngā tamariki o te moana. Matua nui tēnei o Te Tini o Ponaturi. Tangaroa is calming and healing. Tangaroa blanketed Papatūānuku in the rage of Rūāumoko. From Tangaroa’ mātāmua, Ikatere, comes all the sea creatures, and depicted here in Tangaroa’ hands is Ururoa, the shark.